Wage Traders
The Salary Exchange
See Exactly What Your Coworkers Make
Feeling Underpaid?
Don't Know What You're Worth?
Hate Awkward Salary Conversations?
Skip the Awkward - And FIND OUT NOW!
Request the salary of one or more coworkers - and Wage Traders does the rest - while you remain ANONYMOUS!
Always Anonymous!
Request the salary of one or more connections and Wage Traders does the rest - while you remain anonymous.
Free Requests!
Use Wage Traders to send as many requests as you want - to coworkers or future coworkers, all for FREE!
Exact Salaries!
Salary ranges suck . . . All salaries you request through Wage Traders are certified and must be exact - to the penny!
Stay Anonymous - Always!
For the first time ever - you can anonymously request the salary of your coworkers and see exactly what they make.
Find out what you're worth in real-time - without fear of negative backlash, awkward conversations, or misleading and inaccurate information.
When you request the salary of one of your connections, Wage Traders will reach out on your behalf, relay any communications, review and verify all information submitted, and show you your colleagues salaries - while you remain anonymous!
Unlimited FREE Requests!
Send a request (or two or three!) for salary information and let Wage Traders do the work for you - all for Free!
Want or Need to know a coworker's salary? It's often helpful to know more than one salary at your company or to compare salaries at other companies.
If you don't receive a response - you shouldn't have to pay! Only pay for any agreed upon price - if any! - and a transaction fee when information is transferred!
Salary Ranges Suck!
Find Out Exactly What You're Worth
It can be hard to know what you're worth in the workplace, especially when every job description has different - and often misleading - salary ranges.
Wage Traders shows you Exactly what your coworkers are making - so you know where you stand.
If you're not making as much as you should - ask for a raise or find a job that will pay you what you're worth!
Stop Making Less!
Request Salaries Now - for Free!
Click on the Link below to begin anonymously requesting salary information - FREE!